Human Resources
Struggling to write, check or alter a contract? Need help finding staff, or want to advertise yourself? Not sure how to handle a staff issue?
We have put together a few options to help you out.
Advertise/recruit for a position yourself
If you have the time and the resource then advertising yourself is a good and affordable option! It can be fun too finding the right person. Examples include Seek, Trade Me and LinkedIn.
You will need to advertise and pay (usually), sort through the applications, interview, check references, sort out the contracts and obtain any documents that your business requires.
In summary: Affordable, you have total control, but it can be time consuming, stressful if time poor, and you may need to get additional support for the legal side of things.
Use an agency to advertise/recruit for you
This is the easy, stress free option, however it can be expensive.
Agencies typically advertise, sort through applications, interview, draw up the contract, communicate and deal with all applicants. They can save you hours of work, so you need to think about whether or not it is right for your business or not.
In summary: Saves a lot of time and stress, is quicker than doing it yourself, but will cost you more
Get government help to advertise/recruit for you
This is another easy, option, and it's free! They can also help find volunteers. work experience and apprentices.
The government agencies typically advertise, sort through applications, interview, draw up the contract, communicate and deal with all applicants. They can save you hours of work. Candidates are potentially not in paid work at the time of application, so extra training may be required.
In summary: Is free, saves a lot of time and stress, is quicker than doing it yourself, but you may need to spend more time training them. Check out the info here.
Need help with Staff issues and general HR
- For legal and up to date information, an agency, lawyer or HR company can help you.
- There is also a free service run by Employsure that you can call.
- Click here for a good resource by Employment NZ
- Click here for a good resource by